Destiny 2: XUR Today - location and offer on 26.11.

Soon it is In destiny 2 again so far and OUR, the unknown and mystical dealer, will reveal yourself. What he will bring today, on the 26th of November and where he is located, you will learn here on Mango.

What happened this week in Destiny 2? Not much, bungee is in the preparations for the 30th anniversary. The new ornaments are polished, the Gjallarhorn deposited in the dungeon and hopefully removes annoying bugs, as the problem with the FPS on the PC.

Meanwhile, old guardians have difficulty explaining the story of Destiny 2 other fresh lights. The Content-Vault devours the important content that new players need to understand the story first.

Furthermore, the Forsake campaign will soon be playable for all free of charge. This honor gets all guardians, as Forsaken will soon hike in the content vault with its contents. Everything important about this has written our Mango author Britt in a post.

All information about OUR on November 26th November 2021 — PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Google Stadia

When is OUR? OUR will arrive punctually at 18:00 in Destiny 2. He will open until Tuesday, November 30, to the Weekly Reset at 18:00 clock his warehouse and looks forward to your visit.

Where is OUR? That's his camp for the weekend

The position of OUR: It is located on Census at the Guardian grave on the tree.

FURS inventory from 26.11. Until 30.11. — All exotics at a glance

What has OUR on offer? As always, OUR has an exotic weapon and armor for all characters, so for Warlocks, Hunters and Titans. That's his current offer:

Weapon: merciless — Fusion rifle for 29 legendary fragments

TITAN: Handiest — Panzer gloves for 23 legendary fragments

Mobility: +6 Resilience: +27 Recreation: +2 Discipline: +2 Intellect: +26 Strength: +2 Total: 65

Hunter: Sealed Shankara handles — Panzer gloves for 23 legendary fragments

Mobility: +3 Resilience: +11 Recreation: +19 Discipline: +16 Intellect: +6 Strength: +9 Total: 64

Warlock : LunaFaktur boots — Boots for 23 legendary fragments

Mobility: +7 Loadability: +3 Recreation: +23 Discipline: +2 Intellect: +16 Strength: +9 Total: 60

This has always with: An exotic engram for 97 legendary fragments always get you our and the weekly quest for an exotic code.

If you need a more accurate direction or needs a detailed passage of weapons, the Excess likes to show you the selection of OUR:

The exams of Osiris on 26.11. — Map, weapons and info

Which Map is this week? This week is the well-known map Dusk fracture.

So you get your Loot: Your Loot will not get you in the trials of Osiris by the way by the way through three, five and seven WINS, but through:

Seven victories 50 rounds as well as the infamous flawless Run

This is the reward for a flawless run: This time the sniper Eye of Sol awaits you and also on the Adept version.

If you have received your wish weapon, you can specifically focus your exam engrams. On top of that there are improvement prisms and ascendant fragments. Remember that your reward will continue to increase as soon as you have a full pass — even if you lost one or two games.

When start the trials? Start the trials as usual to Daily Reset at 18:00.

Xur Location, Exotics & Legendary Items (All Classes) 11-26-21 / November 26, 2021 [Destiny 2]

What did you do this week to beat the time until 7 December? Let's know us in the comments!


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