Destiny 2 brings Gjallarhorn back, the mother of all exotics - that can only end evil

The Weapon That BROKE the Internet: The Gjallarhorn - Destiny 2 So! The exotic par excellence from Part 1 will celebrate Beidstine 2 in December - the iconic rocket launcher Gjallarhorn. But Shooter expert Sven Galitzki of Meinmmo is safe: Bungie does not have a favor and would prefer to rest this very special exotic weapon in the past. That will go back to the back.

This is the Gjallarhorn: In the very first Destiny year, the guardian community was a long time in the Gjallarhorn fever. The exotic rocket launcher was considered as the weapon-exotic par excellence, was referred to, among other things, as a golden crowbar or mother of all exos. Because the weapon was so powerful that in principle, she was simply the best choice for every challenge or activity.

The toughest Raid bosses melted within seconds, game mechanics were simply ignored and outbowed because the damage of the tens will regulate everything. There was therefore a veritable cult around the croissant. Everyone wanted to have them, many (too I) were held over months, sometimes part for a year, only through this weapon on trot and rushed into play again and again, just to finally get them. Who had no luck, plened to XUR that he should finally bring her again. The whole thing went so far that players who did not have the throwers were extremely excluded from endgame activities, until bungie the Gjallarhorn Nerve.

What a lot of the good piece in the community had, alone already shows the fact that the Gjallarhorn is the only Destiny weapon that has established its own holiday in her honor.

* About the author *: Sven has been working with Meinmmo since 2018 and has since intensively managed the area of ​​the shooter as an author and responsible expert.

He is Destiny fan of the first hour and has spent a lot of time in both parts of the franchise. If there is a game that has a place in his heart forever, then the Destiny is. But countless hours in different Call of Duty abbreviations, as well as the division and the Battlefield series belong to his portfolio.

What has it with the return to himself? Despite numerous returned exos from Part 1, the G-Horn never made it to Destiny 2. And it never sounded like Bungie so far, as if really a real chance that the thing comes back. It looked like Bungie would let this icon rest rest in the past. So hardly anyone has really expected that, but it will actually happen: The Gjallarhorn comes in Season 15 to Destiny 2.

Bungie celebrates his 30th birthday in December and as part of the paid 30 years bungie packets, the legendary exotic will celebrate its entry into Bungies Action MMO. You can learn more here:

  • Destiny 2: Bungie celebrates its 30th birthday and brings the exotic back

But as much as I am actually happy about every new but also returning exotic - after all, you can never have enough weapons - I say in this special case:

Bungie, that will probably get a shot into your own knee

This is how the community responds to the return: The reactions to this message are split.

In short: the Gjallarhorn is and remains a legend for many keepers, a myth, with whom you connect fortune feelings and partly unforgettable moments or even tremendous frustration.

While some players are pleased that they are allowed to keep them back in their hands before nostalgia, but the perceived majority I also belong is of the opinion: Bungie would have this particular exotic with all the memories and feelings around these Weapon should rather be in Destiny 1.

Due to numerous experiences with other returnees, many fear that the myth could be crumbling, the weapon should not meet the expectations and memories of numerous guards. In addition, the way the Gjallarhorn will return, for all sorts of heated debates.

This will give it to the previous state only in the context of the Bungie 30th Anniversary packs, which in turn costs proud 25 €. Some players would buy this weapon for the 3rd time. And right here is for many, including me personally, the root of a very serious problem: bungie can only lose in my eyes in my opinion and totally unnecessarily attract the wrath of numerous fans.

Why bungie can only lose in this return in principle: A shitstorm is already firmly preprogrammed for the release of the Gjallarhorn from my point of view, one should not be able to earn the weapon for free. Whether the G-Horn now op, only good or, as many feared, should be totally unnecessary - it is guaranteed crash:

  • Many a player attracted by the myth Gjallarhorn and sometimes already throw money against the screen, suggesting the weapon should be too weak. Finally, it is tidy in the bag (as I said, some already for the third time), is curled by the former power and radiance of the exotic. If the EXO then remains under expectations, it is guaranteed loud and bungie will have to listen to a lot due to scam.
  • The Gjallarhorn will only be nearly as strong as she was once, or a good weapon, it is likely to hail neat pay-to-win and rip-off allegations - that's on reddit and social media Partly now the case. Because in other ways it will not exist - not exist.

SO or SO - BUNGIE is massibly heated with the return of the Gjallarhorn, so much is clear and is already clearly distinguished. And no matter how to rotate - everyone can and Bungie will not be able to do justice here. But just this weapon is a great deal of heart for a lot, its status just too special that one could easily blame or ignore the above. Just as the return so far suggests, I can not recognize a scenario, with the bungie in the end did not harm his own reputation and that of Destiny.

The whole thing can ultimately go out in principle and that's a pity. Sometimes you should leave the past just rest.

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What is your opinion? What do you think of the return of this iconic weapons exotic? Cool thing? Would bungie would rather have the rocket launcher in the past or at least offer free of charge? Let us know and other readers from Meinmmo in the comments.

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