Ninja Gaiden & Dead or Alive Prepare for reboots confirmed

Once the two flagship series of the Japanese designer studio Group Ninja, Dead or Alive and Ninja Garden took various developments in the past.

While the battling title has been supplied with followers and plenty of LCS recently, it ended up being really quiet about the adventures of BYU Hayabusa after Ninja Garden 3: Razors Edge in 2012-if we the Ninja Garden: Master Collection Discuss it from in 2015. After the fans have campaigned for a comeback in the series for several years, it has actually now likewise been officially announced that reboots for Ninja Garden and Dead or Alive are planned.

Group Ninjas Fiumicino Masada confirmed the corresponding strategies with an ideal graphic as part of the G-Star, which happened last week in the South Korean city of USAM.

focus must initially be on other jobs

The desire to bring back Ninja Garden is brand-new, but not. According to the studio, it would be possible to accommodate a brand-new Ninja Garden with a young internal team of advancement or to leave the reboot to an ideal external studio.

According to current and unconfirmed reports, the Ninja Garden reboot could be created at Platinum Games ( Bayonet ta, Near: robot). A minimum of the Xbox Age co-founder and industrial expert Nick Baker reports on this. Nothing has yet been confirmed. Especially because the focus anyway, 2 other group Ninja projects must be the focus anyhow. On the one hand, we are handling the action role-playing game Where Long: Fallen Dynasty, which is released in March 2023 for the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, the Xbox One and the Xbox Series X/S.


Additional reports on the subject:

According to present and unconfirmed reports, the Ninja Garden reboot could be developed at Platinum Games ( Bayonet ta, Near: automata).

In addition, Group Ninja announced the Samurai adventure Increase of the Robin this year, which will be developed in cooperation with Sony Interactive Home entertainment and will be launched solely for PlayStation 5 in 2024.

More reports on Dead or Alive, Ninja Garden.

  • Ninja Garden: successor possible? That says Group Ninja
  • Rise of the Robin: Team Ninja introduces PS5-exclusive Action-RPG
  • Where Long Fallen Dynasty: Welt is more open than in Nigh and needs to welcome you to explore

The desire to bring back Ninja Garden is brand-new, but not. Rather, Group Ninja recently spoke a number of times that we are dealing with an important franchise from the studio that need to by no means be forgotten. According to the studio, it would be possible to accommodate a new Ninja Garden with a young internal group of advancement or to leave the reboot to a suitable external studio.

Source: NGC


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