Game Committee won the 1st Korea ESG Innovation Policy Award 'Excellence Award'

The Game Water Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as 'Game Committee', Chairman Kim Kyu-cheol) won the Excellence Award at the 1st Korea ESG Innovation Policy Award.

The ESG Innovation Policy Awards, organized by the Korean Policy Society, was held to discover and spread the best practices of ESG innovation policies of public institutions and public corporations.

서울드라마어워즈 Since last year, the Game Committee has established an ESG innovation plan, operates the ESG Innovation Promotion Team, and created the foundation for innovation and creation. The Game Committee submitted two cases of ESG innovation plans and majority and two cases of ESG management innovation. Representative cases include 'creating win-win social jobs' and 'training for youth outside school'.

In connection with the game monitoring business, the Game Committee has created 230 social jobs for the hard girls, the disabled, local talent, and young people for four consecutive years. By achieving both monitoring performance of institutions and achieving community contribution and social equity employment at the same time, it is regarded as a representative ESG management performance of the game in line with the Strategic Community Contribution, an indicator of the SG Society of ESG Management.

In addition, the Game Committee has been conducting healthy game training and career experience consultation for 'out-of-school youth' since this year. The activity is to expand the number of young people outside the school every year to education, and aim to eliminate educational deviations and contribute to social integration by supporting customized education and programs. In addition, the training of workers outside the school is also conducted, and the cooperation system is being established by signing Mouse with related organizations such as the Korea Youth Counseling and Welfare Development Institute.

Chairman Kim Kyu-cheol said, We will strengthen the ESG management innovation system and make efforts to create ESG management performance more actively based on this award.

The Korea ESG Innovation Policy Awards ceremony was held at the Sejong Convention Center on Friday, and the Korean Policy Association will publish the Korea ESG Innovation Policy Excellence Crafts Collection (tentative name), which contains the contents of the contents of the competition.


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