WoW: Furor-Krieger Guide (Patch 9.1.5)

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We show you what has changed in the Furor Warrior with Wow Shadow lands, explain the strengths and weaknesses of the style of play and compare the performance of the Furor Warrior in Raids, Arenas and the solo game with the achievements of other classes and plays. On the other pages you will also find a short entry-level guide, we explain in detail the skills and talents of the Furies and to conclude hand proof information on the style of play to get the maximum from the Furor Warrior in Raids and Mythic Dungeons.

Update December 2021: We brought the DPS guide to the Furor Warrior to the stand of Shadow lands Patch 9.1.5

About this table of contents you can quickly and easily find the area of ​​the Guide sought by you to the Furor Warrior.

  1. Page 1Wow: Furor Warrior Guide (Patch 9.0)
  2. Page 2Wow: Furor Warrior — Short Guide for Beginners (Patch 9.1.5)
  3. Page 3Wow: Furor Warrior — Skills and Talents (Patch 9.1.5)
  4. Page 4Wow: Furor Warrior — Rotation, Cooldowns, Playful (Patch 9.1.5)
  5. Page 5Furor Warrior Guide — Pacts, Media and Soulmate (Patch 9.1.5)
  6. Page 6Wow: Furor Warrior Guide — The Best Legendary's and Rule Sprinters (Patch 9.1.5)
  7. Page 7Wow: Furor Warrior — Values, Attributes, Stats (Patch 9.1.5)
  8. Page 8Wow: Furor Warrior — Flasks, Potions, Gems, Oils, Enchantments (Patch 9.1.5)
  9. Page 9Pictures Gallery for WOW: Furor Warrior Guide (Patch 9.1.5)

So strong is the Furor Warrior in Patch 9.1.5

With a small, but fine buff with patch 9.1.5 again the melee damage to the automatic attacks of the Furor Warrior, which causes her in some areas of the game the top places in the damage meter. And it gets even better: The Fury with his championship and a good scaling with pace is actually, actually strong only at the end of an extension as the values ​​on the equipment reach their maximum.

That has changed with Shadow lands

Wooten case: The pace and movement pace bonus was reduced from 25 to 15 percent. Blood durst: Healing from 5 to 3 percent reduced. Robes: Costs from 85 to 80 angry points reduced. Timing: Duration of 10 to 12 seconds increased. Command call: Life-point increase of 15 increased to 20 percent. Towel Furor is back.

The most serious change is the pace loss of tantrum, which is not a leg break, as many players was the furor playing way anyway too fast or to spammy (too many keys in a short time). The remaining changes are negligible.

Total Furor not only allows you to wear two two-hand weapons, but also two one-way weapons.

Then you will receive a bonus on eight percent more damage caused (as compensation for the weaker one-handed weapon) and your speed of movement increases by five percent. Although your one-way weapons suggest faster, but the warming is normalized and the difference in damage caused in contrast to two two-hand weapons is almost not available.

Those who want to get two two-handed weapons and does not want to get into the strange situation, to find an upgrade in the form of a one-handed weapon, but do not have any more good one-handed, which puts his puppy purifier on weapons and so make sure he only bosses receives from the Loot table.

Talent changes with Shadow lands

Endless anger, inner anger, angry slits and slaughter were removed, as well, some talents change the row (see picture above). Fresh meat no longer increases healing, but blood durst triggers but guaranteed wait. Upcoming victory now heals 30 percent instead of 20 percent life points. Massager now additionally reduces the cooldown of execution by 1.5 seconds. Rage is no more attack, but triggers in the work of romp. Rush is a new attack (usable only during wait). Broken increases the glow degradation. Leched berserk now has a chance to return to raging anger. Cruelty improved similar to inner anger mad stroke. Dragon cover has a slightly shorter cooldown and critical hits with this ability to align triple damage. Dearness: Darkness produces 20 more anger and significantly increases blood through and angry hit.

Many of the talents neglected in BFA were either removed or improved. One of the best changes is the new version of fresh meat that is guaranteed to trigger you. It has become much more competitive in the 30s, 40s and 45 series. If you choose the pact of the Century, it will grab the most of the time to massacre., Racing in single target probably will be the best talent. Anyone who has the feeling of the Furor Warrior despite the spammy playing style of the Furor Warrior still pressing another button in the rotation can choose onslaught. Really practical but not., Especially if you have also chosen dragon's cabinet and siege breaker.

in Dungeons

9.1.5 Fury Warrior Guide

On the highest levels of difficulty of mythical-plus dungeons, rogues and monks are increasingly taken as a carpenter. A real diameter are these + 25 dungeons and higher but not. The Furor Warrior is an perfect choice for mythical-plus dungeons because it can cause both constant high single target and AOE damage, and does not depend on two or three minute cooldowns as many other classes. In addition, your opponent groups can slowly slow as well as no other class, and of course brings with the attack power buff slaughtering for all other carcasses.

The Furor Warrior in Raids

The strengths in dungeons are also reflected in the Raid. A look at the website proves that the Furor Warrior has now opened to the warrior and, seen above all bosses, finds under the top 5 of the damage splitter. In a few fights, you even put the first place — mostly when you can count with whirlwind.

So you cut off in the PVP

In the arena and on battlefields, the weapons playing way has clearly the nose. The healing rebuff about deadly push or the PVP talent blade sharpen, and the opportunity to switch to defense attitude, just give you better chances of winning. But that does not mean that you can not stick down with the Fury opponent and can be able to earn with a lot and diligence your gladiator title.

About our authors

This guide was written by Sebastian Croats glossy. Sebastian has been playing since Classic Wow (Buy Now €14.99) and has since been in the Raids and Dungeons of each extension. He has played his warrior since Won and cases with this alternately with the weapons or furor playing style.



1 2... 9 WOW: Furor Warrior Guide (Patch 9.0) WOW: Furor Warrior — Short Guide for Beginners (Patch 9.1.5) WOW: Furor Warrior — Skills and Talents (Patch 9.1.5) WOW: Furor Warrior — Rotation, Cooldowns, Play Guide (Patch 9.1.5) Furor Warrior Guide — Pacts, Media and Soulmate (Patch 9.1.5) WOW: Furor Warrior Guide — The Best Legendary's and Rule Sprinters (Patch 9.1.5) WOW : Furor Warriors — Values, Attributes, Stats (Patch 9.1.5) WOW: Furor Warrior — Flasks, Potions, Gems, Oils, Enchantments (Patch 9.1.5) Image Gallery for WoW: Furor Warrior Guide (Patch 9.1. 5) The links marked are affiliate links. Affiliate links are no ads, as we are independent in the search and selection of the presented products. For product sales we receive a small commission, with which we partially finance the free content of the website.


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