Metroid Dread will not be the end of the 2D saga: its producer insists that the adventure of Samus will continue

The last delivery of the 2D Saga of Metro id has been begun, have been almost two decades waiting to end the arch that covers the five games of the 2D franchise and that started in 1986. In addition to being acclaimed by criticism, the game has enrolled greatly in sales, beating historical records in Japan and being one of the best-selling games in Spain.

With a reception like this, the saga seems to have become a guarantee of success and the fans have not having to wait another 19 years for a next delivery. However, that Metro id Dread supposes a closure for history has made many fear for a possible final end of the 2D franchise, but the producer of the series, Ohio Nakamoto, seems to have hopeful Plans for Metro id.

I feel that Camus should continue the adventure of him Ohio Nakamoto in a CNET interview, collected by Gaming Bolt, the producer has insisted on the intention of continuing with the adventures of Camus. I feel that Camus should continue the adventure of him and that is where we would really need our greatest effort. Metro id Dread concludes the arch of five games that has lasted 35 years. However, I feel that is not the definitive ending. There should be something that can continue the franchise and the universe. So yes, while Camus is a dear character, it is what I would like to do, Nakamoto confessed.

The producer has already spoken on other occasions about a hypothetical future for the franchise, referring to a new episode that is waiting, but from which there are no more details for the time being. The last episode of the Metro id Saga arrived at Nintendo Switch on October 8 and if you have not yet played it, remember that you have available 7 tips to start with good foot the new Camus adventure and our Metro id Dread analysis, where we tell you How Mercury Steam has resurrected the 2D saga in a masterful way.

Metroid is CONFIRMED to continue! | Samus' story will go on! *SPOILERS*

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