TETRIS EFFECT CONNECTED Distance for the Switch - Actu - Gamekul

Enhance, the studio founded by the immense Tetsuya Mizuguchi, announced last night during the Indie World of Nintendo that Tetris Effect Connected would join the console's ludoth library from October 8th.

Nintendo Direct Indie World REACTION! - HUGE Surprises?!

After putting everyone agreeing on PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series, PC and Oculus Quest, Tetris Effect Connected will come tickle the ear's owners' ears early October. The latter will be able to discover this sensory experience, in the vein of what Mizuguchi had imagined for many others of its games, like lumines for example, and this in multiplayer.

The title embarks thirty levels for the solo part, each rhythmic with its own music and its own visual effects, and there will be the dozen different game modes already discovered on the other media. Multiplayer is not left out with several cooperative and competitivefic modes. Players interested in the title will be able to get it with a 25% discount on the normal selling price, during the first two weeks of its marketing. No basic price has been communicated for the moment. Finally note that the game will also arrive on Steam from August 18th.


Tetris Effect Connected - Trailer


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